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【分析测试技术论坛第32期】3DEM technique from nanoscale to mesoscale

来源: 发布时间:2020-11-26 点击量:


讲座地点:创新港18号楼辅楼 5001

讲座专家:孙 飞,中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员、博士生导师



孙飞,中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员、博士生导师,蛋白质科学研究平台生物成像中心主任、首席专家。兼任中国生物物理学会第十一届理事会常务理事、中国生物物理学会冷冻电子显微学分会第二届理事会副理事长、北京电镜学会第七届理事会副理事长、中国电子显微镜学会第十届理事会理事;Biophysics Reports副主编、INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY(IUCrJ)的CryoEM分部Co-editors。主要开展以冷冻电子显微术为主的结构生物学和生物成像技术研究,在国内率先完成了国际一流的生物成像中心设施建设,建成了冷冻电镜三维重构、高分辨率冷冻电镜以及生物样品冷冻制备等一整套完备的生物电镜前沿技术系统,与相关研究单位合作在国内率先开展与发展生物电镜图像处理技术。2008年获全国优秀博士论文奖,并荣获第八届“中央国家机关优秀青年”称号;2009年获“贝时璋青年生物物理学家奖”;2012年所带团队荣获中央国家机关“青年文明号”称号。

讲座主题:3DEM technique from nanoscale to mesoscale

讲座摘要:Biological electron microscopy has gone into a new era with great advances of specimen preparation, instrumentation and data processing. With the three dimensional reconstruction technique, the three dimensional electron microscopy (3DEM) has been becoming important approaches to image the biological system in high resolution and multiple scales. Based on the principle of the methodology itself, 3DEM can be classified into several categories to meet different needs from structural biology to cell biology. In this talk, I will summarize my personal view of different 3DEM techniques and then introduce the relevant technology developments in our biological imaging center (CBI-IBP,http://cbi.ibp.ac.cn)Biologicalelectron microscopy has gone into a new era with great advances of specimen preparation, instrumentation and data processing. With the three dimensional reconstruction technique, the three dimensional electron microscopy (3DEM) has been becoming important approaches to image the biological system in high resolution and multiple scales. Based on the principle of the methodology itself, 3DEM can be classified into several categories to meet different needs from structural biology to cell biology. In this talk, I will summarize my personal view of different 3DEM techniques and then introduce the relevant technology developments in our biological imaging center (CBI-IBP,http://cbi.ibp.ac.cn)